
Rail wagon management with zedas®cargo reduces demurrage


Logistics management software for rail freight transport from PC-Soft

PC-Soft specialises in rail logistics/shunting logistics for works railways/connecting railways. The zedas®cargo software assists with wagon managements, the scheduling of shunting services and thus the reduction of wagon demurrage. Challenges which rail freight companies, above all, on factory premises and shunting years such as in ports and industrial estates have to face.

As an example, our customer Panlog AG, logistics service provider for the steel production industry, tells Eisenbahn-Revue International how zedas®cargo optimises shunting logistics and rail wagon management. The customer was facing the challenge of reacting flexibly to the customers' requirements on the one hand and reducing costs through standardised transport operations on the other.

The main project objectives were:

  • centralising rail wagon management,
  • reducing transport costs,
  • optimising the operating procedures,
  • shorter, more efficient work flows through gapless electronic communication, and
  • increasing the cost transparency of the individual processes.

By using zedas®cargo, Panlog AG achieved these objectives through:

  • an integrated solution with central archiving of all data,
  • the efficient use of the necessary resources,
  • minimisation of time-consuming manual data entry,
  • gapless integration of customers, partners and other data processing systems, and
  • a transparent billing process.

Peter Klarer, Head of the Wagon Department at Panlog AG in Emmenbrücke, summed it up as follows:
"With the help of zedas®cargo, we were able to not only manage the use of rail wagons in the factory but to actively and purposefully control it. As a result, we were able to significantly reduce the costs for wagon demurrage, among other things."

Professional article by Peter Klarer (Panlog AG, Emmenbrücke / Switzerland) and Christoph Baum (PC-Soft GmbH) in Eisenbahn-Revue International issue 6/2015

More information about our software solution for logistics management you can get here.