Currenta opts for zedas®asset
CURRENTA (former Bayer Industry Services) is in charge of operating and managing the three Bayer Chemical Park sites (CHEMPARK) in Leverkusen, Dormagen and Uerdingen. In this role, the company looks after the availability of railway infrastructures and co-ordinates services and maintenance. The aim is to make infrastructure available to the customers in an optimised and save condition. This also includes the continuous inspection of railway equipment according to corresponding legal regulations as well as providing authorities with required documents on the actual condition of the infrastructure.
In order to carry out these tasks more efficient and more reliable in the future, CURRENTA will implement zedas®asset. With the help of the industry-specific software, all operations concerning the technical asset management will be supported in an integrated manner – from registration and validation of failures over planning and executing actions to finalisation and accounting services. The possibility of designing reports on maintenance actions and the condition of railway equipment to legal authorities in short-term was one of the main reasons to decide for software by PC-Soft.