
B&V Group opts for zedas®asset

An attractive and promising business area for the B&V Group is the leasing and trading of railway vehicles (locomotives and wagons). The active marketing of the rail vehicles of the B&V Group occurs about the EAH Eisenbahn Anlagen Handel GmbH Duisburg. The wagons of the group are revised according to the demand, rebuilt to customer specifications, directly leased to a third party or sold as a commodity.

B&V Group is responsible for maintenance activities of the rail vehicles in this business area. In order to meet the resulting requirements for example legal evidence and documentation, B&V Group confides in zedas®asset in the future.

We support with zedas®asset the planning and management of deadlines, fault management, asset monitoring, tracking of components, the provision of figures and the integration of performance data. The business processes for the management of leases and processing of payment, including billing are fully supported by the module rental. Furthermore, an interface realized the data exchange to a financial accounting system. The possibility of the complete settlement of all tasks: rental and maintenance in one system, contributed to the decision for PC-Soft.

We are glad to count an other important customer to the user circle of the solution zedas®asset.